Russell Kirk understood his work was to convey to America’s rising generations an understanding of the process by which a healthy culture is transmitted from age to age. We’re continuing this important work through Kirk on Campus as we host important conversations about the permanent things on campuses across Michigan. We hope you’ll join us at an event, and help us prepare tomorrow’s leaders with an appreciation of the richness of the conservative intellectual tradition.
Jeffrey Nelson
co-founder, The Russell Kirk Center
trending video: Freedom or Equity
Highlights from Kirk on Campus event at Hope College | 3.16.22

the latest from Kirk on Campus
Kirk on Campus Events Shed Conservative Light on Topics of the Day
Kirk on Campus returned to west Michigan for two back to back evening events on the campuses of Calvin University and Hope College with Ian Rowe and John Wood Jr.
Freedom or Equity: What is the best path forward for America?
Join the Russell Kirk Center at Calvin University chapel on March 15, and Hope College’s Jack H. Miller Center on March 16 for a conversation with Ian Rowe and John Wood Jr. on freedom, equity, race, and more.
New Study Questions for Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to Conservatism
Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to Conservatism has been taken up by college student reading groups throughout the country. Senior Fellow Bruce Frohnen has written helpful discussion questions to accompany the Guide, designed to draw out three essential topics from each chapter.
Professor Hiro Aida to make Michigan College Tour
Hirotsugu “Hiro” Aida is a professor at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. His Japanese translation of “The Conservative Mind” was published in 2018. Mr. Aida will speak at the Kirk Center, Northwood University and Hope College as part of a special lecture tour in Michigan.
Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to Conservatism is here
Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to Conservatism is an essential primer in Kirk’s thought and a resource for anyone interested in better understanding the roots and meaning of conservatism.
Russell Kirk is still changing things at Hillsdale College
Dr. Russell Kirk has always been known at Hillsdale College as an historian and man of letters. His essay “The Problem of Tradition” is required reading in the American Heritage course every student takes as part of the core curriculum.
Watch: Russell Kirk and the Populist Moment Kathryn Lopez, John O'Sullivan, Jeff Polet and Rev. Robert Sirico discuss Russell Kirk and the Populist...
Is Civil Discourse in a Time of Political Polarization Possible?
The panel discussion was really good! I took so many notes (4 pages) and learned a lot about the purpose and intended function of the government....
The Challenge of Contemporary Conservatism: Russell Kirk and the Populist Moment
How can we balance pressures from populist movements on the political left and right with the need for stability and leadership? This is the...
Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk & Revolution in the Modern Mind – 11/17/18 Belmont Abbey College
The Edmund Burke Society is pleased to announce that its next conference will be held at Belmont Abbey College on November 17, 2018. Speakers...
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